ringa monastery
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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Man working at the Tibetan buddhist temple of Ringa (China)
Inside living quarters of a caretaker of (China)
Rolls of Tibetan prayer flags (China)
Excavating an old village in China (China)
Buddhist prayer flags at the holy mountain of Ringa (China)
Buddhist prayers written in Chinese (China)
Offerings at Ringa Buddhist temple (China)
Tibetan Buddhist prayer flags at Da bao si (China)
Spare-life animals at Ringa monastery (China)
Woman and child at village outside Dabao temple on the sacred hill of Ringa (China)
Chicken at Ringa. This is a "spared-life" animal, one that has been saved from the butcher and set free at the monastery (China)
Monastery at holy Ringa mountain (China)
Spare-life goats at the holy Dabao temple (China)
Oodles of prayer flags at Ringa temple (China)
Tibetan Buddhist prayer flags at Ringa monastery (China)
Spared-life goats at Da Bao si temple (Ringa monastery) In NW Yunnan (China)
Buddhist prayer flags ringa (China)
Shrine to the Dali Lama (China)
Shrine to the Panchen Lama (China)
Stone carved with Buddhist prayers (China)
Inside Ringa (China)
Crowing chicken at Ringa (China)
Tibetan prayers written on a wall in Chinese (China)
Spare-lfe animals at a Tibetan monastery (China)
Colorful scarf on a door handle at Ringa (China)
Yellow and white prayer flags (China)
Masses of prayer flags (China)
Caretaker of Ringa monastery in his quarters (China)
Buddhist grain offering in a temple (China)
Stone carved with traditional Tibetan Buddhist prayers (China)
Excavating a archeological site in China (China)
Buddhist prayer flags at Ringa monastery (China)